Tuesday, April 29, 2008
他...就是唯我独尊的M7=>袁帅 Icaru Yuan
(这张照片好像...有点...有损形象哦~ 哈哈)
Monday, April 28, 2008
(布城、雪蘭莪‧巴生)醫藥研究所(IMR)將和牛津大學合資的Oxitec昆蟲生物科技公司合作,在雪州吉膽島進行實驗,釋放經過基因改造的雄性黑斑蚊(aedes aegypti),以便消滅傳染骨痛熱症的雌性黑斑蚊。
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
预考,下来就是JPJ的,真正的driving test 了!!!(之前有最后一次的练习啦..就真的是最后一次啦...)
希望很快..我能够顺顺利利的pass 我的driving test...
到时候,我除了"女佣"...又将多一个身份==> 司机"先生"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
蔣效愚在獨立廣場致詞前入鄉隨俗,先以一句馬來話“selamat pagi”問候現場近5000名的出席者,馬上引起全場歡呼聲。
在起跑儀式上,北京奧組委執行副主任蔣效愚從火種燈裡點燃火炬後,把奧運火炬交給中國駐馬來西 亞大使程永華,程永華交給大馬奧理會會長東姑英南,東姑英南再把火炬交給青年體育部部長拿督依斯邁沙比利,後者再交給吉隆坡市長。市長在馬來武術表演的呈 獻中,再將火炬交給第一棒火炬手東姑英南,開始吉隆坡站的聖火傳遞。
圣火熊熊耀祥云,阔别44年奥运圣火再次抵达吉隆坡,掀起我国奥运圣火热潮。北京奥运圣火搭乘专机于4月20日凌晨2时15分从曼谷飞抵雪邦国际飞机场。 圣火传递活动在21日早上8时开始,并在下午2时15分在独立广场点燃后起跑至6时在城中城结束。这一次2008年北京奥运圣火传递吉隆坡站,是全球21 个圣火路线城市的第13站,这也是马来西亚继1964年东京奥运过后,第二次进行奥运圣火传递仪式。
这次圣火传递路线全长16.5公里,每名火炬手平均跑约150公尺。我国共选出80名奥运火炬手,当中17人是著名运动员除了体坛健儿及社会闻人外,还包 括两名坐轮椅人士、一名视觉障碍及一名全盲的残疾人士。另外,我国首名太空人锡慕扎法、著名歌手林宇中、全国警察总长慕沙哈山、著名企业家东尼费南德斯也 都获选为火炬手。
北京奥运!!! 加油!!!
奥运圣火传到大马了!!!! 真的很光荣!!!
大雨也不足人民的热情!! (我的热情...嘿..好象一把火!) >.< 我不明白,为什么就是有人硬要把西藏的问题搬到台面上来炒...不明白..难道,就不能让这次的奥运顺顺利利,让它圆满落幕吗??
祝福北京2008 奥运成功,圆满落幕!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Death Note Personality Test
Your Score: ESFJ
( 50% introversion, 42% intuition, 35% thinking, and 71% judging!)ABOUT THE TEST
This personality test is heavily based on the Kiersey Sorter. In essence, it measures your personality across four variables: Introversion-Extraversion, Intuition-Sensing, Thinking-Feeling and Judging-Percieving. There are both positive and negative attributes to each of the traits.
Introversion-Extraversion: Generally, people who score high on "introversion" are reserved, quiet people who keep to themselves whereas people who score low on "introversion" are outgoing, friendly people who are extraverts.
Intuition-Sensing: People who score high on "intuition" are guided by gut instinct, they go on intuition as opposed to people who score low on this trait, who prefer to rely on established fact and their senses, rather than their own belief.
Thinking-Feeling: People with high scores on "thinking" rely more on their head to make decisions, whereas people who score low on "thinking" rely more on their heart to guide them. (Note: this has no bearing on a person's intelligence level; it merely refers to the way in which they make desicions.)
Judging-Percieving: People who score high "judging" are firm, decisisive people, whereas people who score low on this trait are flexible, accomodating people.
Stats: Approximately 8% of population.
DN characters with this type: Kiyomi Takada.
In a nutshell: "Hosts and hostesses of the world."
Desciption: Warm-hearted, popular, and conscientious. Tend to put the needs of others over their own needs. Feel strong sense of responsibility and duty. Value traditions and security. Interested in serving others. Need positive reinforcement to feel good about themselves. Well-developed sense of space and function.
Want see who else you might have been, or what types the other DN characters are? For your own personal information...
Light Yagami | L | Near | Mello | Misa Misa | Ryuk | Rem | Raye Penber | Soichiro Yagami | Matsuda | Mogi | Aizawa | Ide | Naomi Misora | Rester | Hal Lidner | Mat | Watari | Sayu Yagami | Kyomi Takada | Teru Mikami
And typewise:
Sunday, April 13, 2008
无奈!!! 气愤!!!
50几年来..非土著所受的discrimmination 还不够吗???
another news~ from the star.
Grads prefer to stay on overseas
PUTRAJAYA: More and more medical students sent abroad to study on government scholarships, many costing more than a million ringgit each, are breaking their 10-year bond by refusing to return and serve in public hospitals.
“This is a sore point with us. In 2006, 21 medical students in Britain did not return. Last year, the number was 63. For those studying in Ireland, three students did not come back in 2006 while last year, 27 did not return,” said Human Capital Development division director Datin Madinah Mohamad.
She said these students cost the Government up to RM1.1mil each in funding for the five-year course.
“The number has been steadily increasing each year since 2003. The excuse these undergraduates often give is that they want to do their two-year housemanship over there and continue with sub-specialisation courses.
“But when they do so, they may then get employed and become eligible for registration in Britain. With the pay they are getting there, it’s highly unlikely they will come back and serve here,” she said in an interview here yesterday.
Since 2003, 145 students from Britain and 85 from Ireland have not come back. However, only three from Russia, two from Jordan and one from Japan failed to return.
Another reason many students chose to stay back could have been due to PSD’s perceived lenient treatment of such students in the past and a paltry penalty of RM160,000 each before 2003, she said.
“It encouraged undergraduates, who have seen many of their seniors being let off, to follow suit,” she said.
Although the department had officers in Britain and Ireland to track down errant medical students, some in the last year of studies ignored notices and others did not bother to show up when called for interviews.
She said tougher measures were needed to make them come back and serve or pay their bond.
The department was now seriously considering suggestions to make errant students repay twice or thrice the sum of their scholarships as punishment.
“We need to study this recommendation,” she said, adding the department had also handed 30 such cases since 1989 to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for legal action and had even declared one former student bankrupt.
But legal action was slow and guarantors would be taken to court only as the last resort, she said.
Since PSD’s Overseas Scholarship Programme started in 2000, RM2.15bil in scholarships had been given to 10,485 students up to the end of last year.
_________________________________________________老实讲,如果有机会我都想stay on overseas...不要回来了! 只可惜...我没$$$...no $$$ no talk!!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
hm..my comment..not bad,quite nice..
The film begins in 1981 in San Francisco, California. Linda and Chris Gardner live in a small apartment with their son, Christopher. Chris has invested the family's life savings in a Franchise selling bone density scanners. These scanners provide slightly denser pictures than X-rays, but most of the doctors Chris visits find that they are too high-priced. Linda works in a dead-end job in a local hotel laundry. The tension between them mounts as unpaid rent and bills continue to accumulate. Chris often parks his car in disallowed areas so he can make scheduled appointments on time, and after parking tickets remain unpaid, their car is impounded. After missing a shift at her job, Linda finally leaves with their son Christopher, returns briefly, then departs for New York City, where a better job awaits her, leaving behind the boy at his father's request.
Chris accepts an unpaid internship at brokerage firm Dean Witter Reynolds that promises employment to only one trainee at its conclusion. His lack of salary and failure to sell more scanners leaves him riddled with debt, he and his son eventually become homeless. After spending several nights riding buses and sleeping in subway restrooms, saddled with their meager belongings, they begin lining up at the Glide Memorial Church on a daily basis in an effort to secure accommodations for the night. Sometimes they succeed, other times they literally are left out in the cold. As he struggles to provide a semblance of a family life for his son under the most dire of circumstances, Chris becomes more determined to complete the intern program and become the sole trainee the firm will hire.
只是一部简单的电影..讲诉chris gardner 从一个小小的salesman...生活抓襟见拙...很辛苦..唉..一度无家可归..睡厕所..熬过最辛苦的那关...最后internship过关了,成为broker...有了稳定的工作...好几年后,以multi-million卖掉手中的股票...成为有钱人了!!!
今天早上,在准备午餐时,听到933的志勇和佩芬介绍一个很好笑的you tube短片...
是保加力亚国家的一个类似american idol 的节目,叫"music idol"...有一位参赛者,选唱Mariah Carey 的 Without you...她大概是只听过首歌,不懂歌词吧..不知道这首叫"without you"...她告诉评判们,她要唱"Ken Lee"...哈哈结果唱出来..明明就是without you..却没有without you 的歌词..哈哈哈哈..让人家以为她把歌词改了..评判问他唱的是啥语言..答案竟然是"english" 哈哈哈哈..好笑...
当然,她是被淘汰了啦..不过,因为她可爱的错误,在网络界大红, music idol 让她重回舞台,BUT 是以表演嘉宾的身份啦!!哈哈哈哈~
这个是audition的片段...这是她重归舞台的片段...with improved english..
haha..KEN LEE!! tulibu dibu douchoo..
honestly...i laughed like mad in front of my computer!!! wahaha!!
hmm..this video tells us..ENGLISH is important ya..
pronouns words properly ya..haha..
Monday, April 07, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
finish jpa interview
well..last night din sleep well..almost insomnia..as a result, this morning i feel quite sleepy..
ok..then..go to INTAN at kluang...erm,the environment there quite nice...
ok...saw kwi shan and kenji and chai qin..
then,chit chat for a while..
later,go upstairs..rearrange the cert..
i got panel 3..go there and wait lor..weather outside is getting hotter..started to sweat...
wait....chat...wait...until the kerani call me..i got num 5 and panel 3..
then,go inside and sit..the 2 interviewers (1 guy and 1 lady) both are ok..not fierce at all and quite friendly..(the malay guy looks familliar to me..)
my group consists of 7 ppl,6 male(4 chinese and 2 malay, most of them apply engineering,only 1 malay from sek men sains apply for medic) and only 1 female(that's me lar!! special~)
then,the interview starts...
first thing we did was...SINGING!!! we sang Keranamu Malaysia...first stanza only..
vry surprise that they ask us to sing and we haven introduce ourself..haha..
we sing lar,a bit out of tune..but at least the lyrics and the melody still ok lar..
then got 1 guy,wearing NS baju kelas was asked to sing lagu khidmat negara..haha.
then he ask anyone else went for plkn before, and i told him i had..(but din ask me to sing wor..)
then,start the intro part..name,tempat berasal, ur family background,koko things,hobby and course..and some they ask wat country of our preference..he ask me,then i ans, the countries mentioned in the panduan are ok for me..then,he say,giv u to Timur Leste oso can lar..den i replied..the panduan did not mentioned Timur Leste..then,both of them laughed...
then is the group discussion part..our topic is "Children nowadays are spoiled, no discipline...is it true? discuss." and..he ask us straightaway start the discussion,no time to prepare at all..
ok lor..then we start..erm,most of us giv points like writing essay lar..(vry *fake*)..the sek men keb sains boy starts first..then we all continue lar..bla bla bla..after sometime,the interview point the num 1 guy,ask him to make a conclusion..
next,the pengetahuan am session...he just simply ask lar..
got some question like who is the Menteri Besar for Kedah and P.Pinang? and the recent election,how many states had BN lost? and name them..(my question)
and ask who is the ketua for JPA? some menteri's name(higher education)..
and he oso ask a guy who mentioned he wanna go UK for engineering bout Prime minister of UK..
and some ques like,the students goin overseas,are exposed to all kinds of pengaruh..
how do u think bout this?this ques he ask another malay guy,and the malay guy ans,sounds like almost all "pengaruh luar negara" are negative things..he ans as if malaysia is the BEST of the whole world..then after all the bad things bout foreign country,the interviewers pointed to me, going overseas only got negative pengaruh,what do u think? then my ans, ok,memang ada sedikit pengaruh yang negative,but their technology are always advance than us..those engineering student can learn their tech and bring back to msia..those medic student can learn to use some modern machine or robot to help in surgery...all this benefits malaysia...only thing is students themselves muz harga diri..bla bla bla..
then,i remember a question that he ask me..."ok,Chua Soi Lek tak dapat calan pada pilihanraya ini, dengan syarat yang dimiliki oleh Dr Chua,memang Dr Chua seorang yang sesuai sebagai calon utk Menteri Kesihatan..so,wat's ur opinion?"
ok..frankly, i was quite surprise coz he ask such ques..it is quite a sensituve issue,u know,regarding politics..but i still hav to ans..so i tell him, as a minister,he is representing msia..sometime, he has to represent msia and visit to other country..his scandal news affect his image and also affect msia image..and most of the malaysian ppl oso dun wan a leader with low moral..as a leader, muz show a positive image to everyone..moral is important la..bla bla bla..
after Dr Chua ques..another question he ask the smk sains student...wat's his opinion bout our gov and the recent pihanraya..wah, i was really surprised!! such political ques oso he ask us..the smk sains boy say,ok..our gov now is becuming lemah..even umno oso kucar kacir..bla bla bla...
then,he ask bout the coins..wat the picture behind the coin..
later,he told us,bout some statistics lar..like,how many application,how many wan shortlisted for interveiw..how many will be chosen...and dun giv up...bla bla bla..
我的感想...呃..我对自己的表现只可以讲so so而已...
只是觉得...每个人都很*假*,当然,我觉得自己也蛮假的,尤其是group discussion 还有那个马来人的题目,去外国留学是否一定会学坏..被他讲到好象外国回来就一定是很开放...好象一点moral都没有酱..
还有,他竟然问关于Dr chua事件...心里还蛮惊讶的...
还有我一直提到的smk sains的那位马来人..告诉我,如果没有JPA...他会去读UM,asasi sains然后接MEDIC..唉..你们知道吗..这个course只开放给土著生申请..非土著的,选择很少..只有那种pertanian之类的...(我也有申请,所以大概知道一些...)
**然后,我听说,如果真的拿到JPA,他安排你读的pre u 要有很好很好很好的成绩叻..(听说要95%以上...)*晕*95 分...笑啊!!!还有,自己的pre-u成绩如果不够好..进不到大学..就..自己负责叻!!!
对我来说,如果没有JPA..就要拼多一场STPM,号称世界上最最最难考的考试...要拼4个A出来...呃..应该跟拼95分没差吧!! 还有,我很好奇,为什么...STPM要出酱难叻??是不是因为,大多数读STPM的都是非土著呢??*疑问*
Thursday, April 03, 2008
after so many days, hearing so much of experiences..
all i can say is...it still depends on how u react during the interview...
group discussion topic,cant prepare at all..
only can "armed" myself with sum general intro...
well...one word can describe me now...NERVOUS!!!
ok..tmr i tink will hav a long post ba~
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
this song is HIJAU!!
I believe those who went for national service before will know this song..
this is the song played during our Character building class!!(i m not sure whether other camp oso play the same song or wat..but i m sure KUMP 1/SIRI 5/2008 from KEM PLKN PADANG HIJAU use this song!!)
remember? we must go back to our class before the song ends..haha
and i remember we owaz clapped with the song,the rhythm..sometimes,those hu know how to sing,wil sing together...
haha..nice memories..
and i remember there is another song i like vry much,oso play before we start our character building class...it is a music played by an orchestra..only music,no voices singing de..
if i din remember wrongly,my teacher told me this music got something to do with Olympic games..Olympic games anthems or something like dat..that one is nicer..vry "semangat" melody..can use to boost the "semangat" of those athletes..haha
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