Wednesday, February 24, 2010


one trip back to my old school…SMK Sultan Ismail…just to do my school testimonial for Uni applicaation stuff..well, SSI, it changes so much, until I almost couldn’t recognize it…my dear old SSI..

the place where we always “camwhore”…in front of the Dewan Tertutup..this is the old view…

ssi prom night chiang mai 058 129279660535l Before.. becomes…

23022010(010) 23022010 After…

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Woah..the MAJESTIC SSI wor~


old ssi ssi prom night chiang mai 062 ssi prom night chiang mai 057


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the 2 new block…replaced the whole row of old lab…well, i missed the lab…how come I didn’t take picture at the lab last time…

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想念那旧旧的一排lab…now,replaced by this 2 new blocks…it just..lost that “SSI-feel”…


well…I human mind works huh…when you are working, you missed school.. Now, you have a chance, go back to your school and LEARN, and yet, you are reluctant to go back…ISSSHHH!!!

Before :

A: oh..working is so “sien”…everyday keep on doing the same old routine …no challenges at all…I don’t like this feeling, like… my brain’s stop working…feel like stagnant water…like rusty..I want to learn something!! anything!!! see, morning, wake up, do some house work, then get ready to work, then come back, bath, watch tv or online then sleep…(well,sometimes in the morning I’ll go for voluntary work in Fo Guang Shan,still, I just help out here and there,mostly typing…) “regular” it is…my brain needs some stimulant!!!!!

when you receive the letter asking you to go back KTT for KI…you feel excited because of the few words in this sentence sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa saudari ……bla bla bla bla……yang akan melanjutkan pengajian peringkat Ijazah Pertama (yes!!! finally! I am so close to University!!) ke India (well, don’t care that much already!! anywhere also can now..) dalam bidang Perubatan dan Pergigian( it true? no more a dream?!)

Now…Left few more days I will be heading to my dear old “East Technology College”…erm, I feel so so so so reluctant now…where has my excitement to LEARN gone to?!!


B: Oh no..I need to go back to “that" place” again.. I know there’s a lot of my friends there..but…just don’t want to go back…can or not? How come almost every time the holiday or the times I had at hometown will just FLY away SO FAST!! how’s the internet connection in “that place” now? will there be any water disruptions AGAIN in “that place”? I am just too “familiar” with that place…especially dry season in Malaysia now..will this dry spell hit “that place” as well???

well..take it as a challenge to learn 3 NEW languages (as if I will totally understand everything after just a short 3 months)..oh ya, it’s just a THREE months course right!!! feels like another PLKN / NS only mah~


well,let’s just hope the internet connection in "East Technology College” is GOOD! and the water supply by SYABAS will be a true Syabas!!! ( I can’t live without water!!!)


One more thing!! I think I yet to wish everyone a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Exploring the East Malaysia 5

16 Jan

起床咯~ 太好了!是个大晴天! 今天要搭巴士到 Miri 了!!! 起得较迟,所以去吃brunch~ 过后就去车站… 1.30pm的bus…… 然后一路上睡了又醒, 醒了又睡,看了一套不知名的英文片…整部戏就只会" FXXX ” 跟 "砰砰砰 piang piang piang “枪声而已…还播了一位很" hiao "的歌手的mv……一路颠簸…痛苦的8个小时好不容易过去了…Miri也终于到了…


途中在 Batu Niah Food Court centre 休息在那里竟然有展出许许多多稀有珍贵的动物!!


P1160276 刺刺的龟, 好像叫龙龟

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P1160280 P1160280 - Copy 天啊是一张美金!!!新币和brunei dollar!!!!

17 Jan

在Miri的第一份早餐: 在Yakin Food Centre 点了Tomato Sauce Kuey Tiaw,Dim Sum,油条等…

参观 Curtin University!!!

P1170282 P1170284 P1170286 P1170292

P1170295 刚好是Curtin Uni 的假期,所以趁学校没人…尽量拍!! Camwhore!!

Next stop: Canada Hill—Petroleum Museum and The Grand Old Lady

P1170296 P1170302 P1170305


在petroleum museum 里面有一辆车, 干嘛的叻? 哈哈,让你体验地震的感觉!!!

Lynthia 带我们去try 真的超级好吃的Sarawak Laksa + Teh-C-Peng!!!

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吃饱了,该走走了!!! 到 pantai 走走…


远远看过去,有一间超级超级大间的castle/mansion…羡慕~~~(p/s: houses in East Msia all big big huge huge one~~ “shuang” right!)


and…thanks a million to Lynthia’s parents…for bringing us to a sumptuous buffet dinner!!!

P1170339 P1170341

18 Jan


早上一大早,坐了近1个小时的bus,来到 Gua Niah 的pejabat, 买了入门票,就坐船过对岸, 沿着森林的pathway……一直走…一直走…走走走……

P1180344 P1180347

走走走 P1180358 看到很多奇奇怪怪的small creature……P1180366 P1180365

erm,2条milipede 卷在一起…


到了~ The Great Cave 前段的一个洞, 叫Gua Dagang…很好拍照的地点!

P1180374 P1180410P1180379

on the way walking to The Great Cave

P1180385 壮观~


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walking along the wooden pathway into the Great Cave…as you get deeper into the cave…it gets darker…really really dark..totally pitch black if you off your torchlight(which is the only source of light in the cave)

and it’s pretty tiring too..unfortunately…after we finished our round in the Great Cave…IT WAS RAINING!!!!!!!! cham la…stuck in the cave now…

luckily,we brought some snacks…^^, so we makan makan,have a special kind of picnic in the cave..hahaha…and finally,we decide to give up on exploring the Painted Cave…since it’s raining and the pathway are wet and slippery…SAFETY FIRST!! so, after we get some rest after makan makan…we….walked out the hutan under the rain…冒雨走出大森林…


…… to be continued ……