Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life is GREAT today!

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终于成功捐到血了~ 每次有捐血运动时,不是碰到时机不对,就是我生病,有时血压太低~

距离最后一次捐血已经有2年了,那时我曾经对自己说,只要我健康,符合捐血资格,我一定一年至少捐血一次! 经过不断的"尝试",今天,健康的我终于捐到血啦~ =D

I googled some facts about Blood donation =)

1. 捐血的好处很多,把自己的血捐出去,除了可以帮助紧急需要输血的病人外(救人一命,胜造七级浮屠),还可以帮助加快身体的血液新陈代谢。而且,新血的含氧量高,所以精神会很好,不容易疲倦。氧气对我们很重要,它的其中一个功能,就是可以消除细菌,也治疗好多种疾病,如糖尿病、高血压等(现今流行的氧气疗法),多吸新鲜氧气可以减少疲劳。每四个月人体里的血都会换一次,与其让它自己新陈代谢,不如捐出来。一年我们可以捐血四次,捐血的效果肯定比让它自动新陈代谢好很多很多。

3. 献血可减少冠心病
4. 献血可减少癌症的发病率
5. 献血能净化人的心灵

Facts about blood and its components

29.Whole blood can be processed into red cells, platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate. The total number of units of all of these components transfused in a year is 29 million (2001)

30.It is possible to donate specifically only platelets or plasma. This process is called apheresis.

31.Most donated red blood cells must be used within 42 days of collection

32.Donated platelets must be used within 5 days of collection — new donations are constantly needed

33.Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red cells, plasma and platelets. The body will replenish the elements given during a blood donation - some in a matter of hours, and others in a matter of weeks

Facts about donors

34. The #1 reason donors say they give blood is because they "want to help others"

35. Two most common reasons cited by people who don't give blood are: "Never thought about it" and "I don't like needles"

36. One donation can help save the lives of up to 3 people

37. If you began donating blood at age 17 and donated every 56 days until you reached 76, you would have donated 48 gallons of blood, potentially helping save over 1,000 lives!

38.Red Cross donors are 50% male, 50% female

39.The American Red Cross accepts blood donations only from voluntary donors

40. Among Red Cross donors in a given year, 18% donate occasionally, 38% are first time donors, and 43% are repeat and loyal donors

41. People with O- type blood are universal donors. Their blood can be given to people of all blood types. Only 7% of people in the U.S. have O- blood type

42. Type O- blood is often used in emergencies before the patient's blood type is known, and with newborns who need blood.

43. 45% of people in the U.S. have type O (+/-) blood. This percentage is higher among Hispanics — 57%, and among African Americans — 51%

44. People with AB+ type blood are universal donors of plasma, the liquid portion of blood. AB+ plasma is often used in emergencies, for newborns and for patients requiring massive transfusions

More interesting Facts!!

Did you know???

blood type Percent of Americans with this type (%) Who can receive this type
O+ 37 O+, A+, B+, AB+
O- 6 All blood types
A+ 34 A+, AB+
A- 6 A+, A–, AB+, AB–
B+ 10 B+, AB+
B- 2 B+, B–, AB+, AB–
AB+ 4 AB+
AB- 1 AB+, AB–

Type O– blood is considered the “universal donor” because it can be donated to people of any blood type. Type AB+ blood is considered the “universal recipient” because people with this type can receive any blood type.


Your Blood type reveals your personality........

Type O

  • You are a leader!
  • You keep striving to achieve your goals.
  • You're a trend-setter, loyal, passionate and self confident.
  • But . . . you are also vain, jealous and overly competitive.

An estimated 44 percent of the US population has Type O blood . . . with 7 per cent having Type O Negative, the "universal donor" type. Because it is the most frontally transfused type, Type O donors are always needed.

Type A

  • You are a "people" person!
  • You work well with others and are sensitive, patient and affectionate.
  • You like harmony, peace and organization.
  • But . . . you are stubborn and find it hard to relax.

Approximately 42 percent of the US population has Type A blood.

Type B

  • You are a straight forward, rugged individualist who like to do things on your own.
  • Creative and flexible, you are also adaptable.
  • But . . . independence can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

In the United States, 10 percent of the population has Type B blood.

Type AB

  • You are a natural entertainer.
  • Cool and controlled, tactful and fair, you are generally well liked, and you put people at ease.
  • Be careful, though, you can be blunt.
  • Also . . . make up your mind! You tend to procrastinate when it comes to decision making.

Fewer than 4 percent of the population has Type AB blood.

Whatever your type, you're our type!
Every day, patients need your help.

Support your community blood supply.



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