after getting tense up for one week...finally is my turn to be interviewed...
well..last night din sleep well..almost a result, this morning i feel quite sleepy..
ok..then..go to INTAN at kluang...erm,the environment there quite nice...
ok...saw kwi shan and kenji and chai qin..
then,chit chat for a while..
later,go upstairs..rearrange the cert..
i got panel 3..go there and wait outside is getting hotter..started to sweat... the kerani call me..i got num 5 and panel 3..
then,go inside and sit..the 2 interviewers (1 guy and 1 lady) both are ok..not fierce at all and quite friendly..(the malay guy looks familliar to me..)
my group consists of 7 ppl,6 male(4 chinese and 2 malay, most of them apply engineering,only 1 malay from sek men sains apply for medic) and only 1 female(that's me lar!! special~)
then,the interview starts...
first thing we did was...SINGING!!! we sang Keranamu Malaysia...first stanza only..
vry surprise that they ask us to sing and we haven introduce ourself..haha..
we sing lar,a bit out of tune..but at least the lyrics and the melody still ok lar..
then got 1 guy,wearing NS baju kelas was asked to sing lagu khidmat negara..haha.
then he ask anyone else went for plkn before, and i told him i had..(but din ask me to sing wor..)
then,start the intro,tempat berasal, ur family background,koko things,hobby and course..and some they ask wat country of our preference..he ask me,then i ans, the countries mentioned in the panduan are ok for me..then,he say,giv u to Timur Leste oso can lar..den i replied..the panduan did not mentioned Timur Leste..then,both of them laughed...
then is the group discussion part..our topic is "Children nowadays are spoiled, no it true? discuss." and..he ask us straightaway start the discussion,no time to prepare at all..
ok lor..then we start..erm,most of us giv points like writing essay lar..(vry *fake*)..the sek men keb sains boy starts first..then we all continue lar..bla bla bla..after sometime,the interview point the num 1 guy,ask him to make a conclusion..
next,the pengetahuan am session...he just simply ask lar..
got some question like who is the Menteri Besar for Kedah and P.Pinang? and the recent election,how many states had BN lost? and name them..(my question)
and ask who is the ketua for JPA? some menteri's name(higher education)..
and he oso ask a guy who mentioned he wanna go UK for engineering bout Prime minister of UK..
and some ques like,the students goin overseas,are exposed to all kinds of pengaruh..
how do u think bout this?this ques he ask another malay guy,and the malay guy ans,sounds like almost all "pengaruh luar negara" are negative things..he ans as if malaysia is the BEST of the whole world..then after all the bad things bout foreign country,the interviewers pointed to me, going overseas only got negative pengaruh,what do u think? then my ans, ok,memang ada sedikit pengaruh yang negative,but their technology are always advance than us..those engineering student can learn their tech and bring back to msia..those medic student can learn to use some modern machine or robot to help in surgery...all this benefits malaysia...only thing is students themselves muz harga diri..bla bla bla..
then,i remember a question that he ask me..."ok,Chua Soi Lek tak dapat calan pada pilihanraya ini, dengan syarat yang dimiliki oleh Dr Chua,memang Dr Chua seorang yang sesuai sebagai calon utk Menteri,wat's ur opinion?"
ok..frankly, i was quite surprise coz he ask such is quite a sensituve issue,u know,regarding politics..but i still hav to i tell him, as a minister,he is representing msia..sometime, he has to represent msia and visit to other country..his scandal news affect his image and also affect msia image..and most of the malaysian ppl oso dun wan a leader with low a leader, muz show a positive image to everyone..moral is important la..bla bla bla..
after Dr Chua ques..another question he ask the smk sains student...wat's his opinion bout our gov and the recent pihanraya..wah, i was really surprised!! such political ques oso he ask us..the smk sains boy say,ok..our gov now is becuming lemah..even umno oso kucar kacir..bla bla bla...
then,he ask bout the coins..wat the picture behind the coin..
later,he told us,bout some statistics,how many application,how many wan shortlisted for many will be chosen...and dun giv up...bla bla bla..
我的感想...呃..我对自己的表现只可以讲so so而已...
只是觉得...每个人都很*假*,当然,我觉得自己也蛮假的,尤其是group discussion 还有那个马来人的题目,去外国留学是否一定会学坏..被他讲到好象外国回来就一定是很开放...好象一点moral都没有酱..
还有,他竟然问关于Dr chua事件...心里还蛮惊讶的...
还有我一直提到的smk sains的那位马来人..告诉我,如果没有JPA...他会去读UM,asasi sains然后接MEDIC..唉..你们知道吗..这个course只开放给土著生申请..非土著的,选择很少..只有那种pertanian之类的...(我也有申请,所以大概知道一些...)
**然后,我听说,如果真的拿到JPA,他安排你读的pre u 要有很好很好很好的成绩叻..(听说要95%以上...)*晕*95 分...笑啊!!!还有,自己的pre-u成绩如果不够好..进不到大学..就..自己负责叻!!!
对我来说,如果没有JPA..就要拼多一场STPM,号称世界上最最最难考的考试...要拼4个A出来...呃..应该跟拼95分没差吧!! 还有,我很好奇,为什么...STPM要出酱难叻??是不是因为,大多数读STPM的都是非土著呢??*疑问*
Life updates of two boys in the house 🏠
3 months ago
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