Friday, April 17, 2009

Mauritius 真美!

Mauritius will enchant you, will uplift your soul~mauritius_residence_beach_01



oh my god!! Mauritius is so beautiful~ It’s fascinating island~a paradise!!

cabalt-blue seas, white soft sandy beaches, luxury hotels~

cultural diversity,limitless activities~


世界那么大,也介绍了Coco Island 这个岛。。。then, after i searched online, rupa-rupanya, Coco Island s is recognized today as one the world's largest uninhabited island and, to many, the most beautiful as well as one of the last truly wild places in nature. It has been granted UNESCO World Heritage status because of the quantity of marine life to be found in its vicinity.

Taken on the shore of Coco Island Mauritius

Taken on the beach at Coco Island which is just off east coast of Mauritius

COCO ISLAND (TREASURE ISLAND) is truly an ocean oasis~


喜欢看旅游节目,自己没得去,看节目,imagine 自己去过~也爽。。。哈哈~ 如果我是空姐,或者pilot 就好,就可以到处走,完成自己的梦!!有一天,我一定要尝试做个backpacker! 背包旅行!

(照片都是online 找到的!本人可没去过!)

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