Friday, August 21, 2009


人生的光彩在哪里? 说起来其实很简单。










a message that i  received long time ago,feel that is quite meaningful…so post it up…just to share..

well, pretty boring life here..studies occupies a to-be A level candidate’s life…life is routine,boring,dull… i feel “dry”…feel lke reading some good books, if there is no H1N1, i wished i could go to the book fair in KLCC, feel like buying some books..feel like so “dry” everyday facing the books of that 3 subjects..and i have been so lazy to wake up in the morning,keep snoozing my alarm, then class as usual,then study in library…nothing much to update..

oh ya,been to the gathering with ssi friends, everyone changes,more handsome, more mature and prettier! a lot of pictures in facebook!

oh ya, still thinking whether i should join the famine 30 camp or not tomorrow…ya,it’s tomorrow..and i am worried about the soaring of influenza cases in malaysia plus trial exam in 1 week time which i know very clear i dont have enough time to prepare.. i havent forgot how i fall really really really sick,really really ill when i came back from midvalley one month ago..and until now,i’m still doubting “am i one of the survivor of influenza A ?” so,should i go?

tomorrow is the first day of ramadhan month, and our cafe is not going to do business,which means we get the chance to go desa cempaka or inti and we get the chance to eat chinese food..wahaha..

ok, shall get back to my books..gambateh!

one more thing, support 15malaysia =D

Sunday, August 09, 2009


Saturday, 08.08.09

最近 almost every saturday 都是 replacement class… 所以每个周末都只有一天休息而已。累。

今天终于把 IELTS 干掉了,2个礼拜的 last minute work。准备AS 期间就很少上 IELTS了,可以讲没有练习过写essay,完全靠我这2个礼拜里面完全的 ignore A level syllabus 来准备,完全是last minute work。last minute 真的很累。

也是我考完SPM,2年后,第一次写 english essay,应该也是短期内最后一次写essay 了吧!

syllabus 有教不完的迹象。 功课有越欠越多的迹象。 Bio Chem Phy 都有复习不完的迹象。


华文字里,最powerful 的字-- 加油!

上面提到AS,最近几乎天天都有人提醒我, monday is the day。(尽管我总是被提醒,但还是忘了要担心,哈,太担心IELTS了,反正担心也没有用,都考了。)

对,Monday, AS成绩公布的大日子。等我下一篇post 吧。


everyone, best wishes!

Sunday 09.08.09


昨天flo 一通电话,让发誓不到raya holiday绝不出去的我动摇了, 昨天facebook 有关于饥饿30的消息,让我心痒了, 最近人人都有想出去的念头,引诱着我 今早wan jun 一封msg 问我要不要去KLCC书展,又再次让我动摇了。

大马的流感传染率让我却步。读不完的书让我止步。还有上次mid valley 的恐怖经验 (人超多, pickpocket也超多,超危险的KTM加上一回来就生病一个礼拜的经验依然haunting着我)
