Guangzhou is the capital city of Guangdong, and the center of its political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural life, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macau.
Guangzhou has several “nicknames”— 羊城/五羊城 the City of Rams,穗城 Sheaves of Rice City, 花城 City of Flowers. There’s a legend behind the name “the city of rams”: Once upon a time, there were 5 celestial beings “神仙” riding into the area that is now Guangzhou on five rams and carrying sheaves of rice. The celestials bestowed blessings on the land and offered the sheaves to the people of the city as a symbol of prosperity and abundance. After the celestials left, the rams turned into stone, and Guangzhou quickly developed into an affluent and influential city. 广州就从此五谷丰收,成了繁华都市! And why Guangzhou get the name of “City of Flowers”,that’s because Guangzhou has a sub-tropical climate which is provide a suitable environment for the plants and flowers to grow, so the flowers there open throughout the whole year while trees and plants are green throughout the years! Plus, the difference between the average temperature throughout the years are small (unlike other places eg. Beijing, can reach 40 degree Celsius during the summer and can be as low as –8 degree Celsius during the winter,which is a harsh condition for plants to grow..) 所以,这里的花花草草都开的特别美,颜色也特别鲜艳!
We are lucky enough to get a hotel just beside the Pearl River,珠江, this is the view!
there is a lot of shopping “streets” around in Guangzhou, eg Shang Xia Jiu Streets 上下九路, Beijing Street 北京路 etc etc…of course there’s a lot of shopping malls too!
their way of publicity and advertising is very … the banner “厂家跳楼,一对不留" which means “my boss killed himself,so we wanna tutup kedai, wanna clear our stock, and we don’t want to see any pair of shoes!!” hahaha… read it in mandarin, it rhymes though!
this 2 pictures are taken at BeiJing Street! the 5 Rams are the 吉祥物 for next year Asian Games in Guangzhou! ( remember the legend of the 5 Rams?)
珠江夜游 Boat trip along Pearl River at night! Enjoy the night view!!
the boat decorated like a 花车
isn’t this bridge look like our Penang Bridge?
tell you, the neon light/ laser on the high rise building are so attractive!! 会让你目不转睛哦!
美食美食,广州,must try their Dim Sum 点心!
these are some view of 沿江路 Yan Jiang Street
Xing Hai Concert Hall 星海音乐厅
this must be some very famous conductor!!
this is a very cute dustbin! with a cute slogan!!
Bai Yun Mountain 白云山
山上可热闹的很! 很多活动! 有company 的retreat, 有company 的赛跑比赛,有人踢毽子,有人打气功!
越秀公园 Yue Xiu Park is a very very very big park, there’s this:
明代古城门, with a lot of creeping roots!
孙中山纪念堂 (built in 1927—till now)
黄埔军校 Huang Pu Military School
岭南印象园 is a place developed to show the traditional Chinese culture during 40s to 60s/70s…
糖画,顾名思义就是用糖画画! direct translate into…”sugar drawing”
this wall is made up of dry oyster! they said it’s less likely to catch fire! 干蚝,据说比较不容易着火!
this “Chen Family” was a shooting scene for a drama!
古董书 the olden days comic books
农科奇观园 there’s a lot of weird weird plants, all are the results of GM, Genetic Modified crops…
see this super enormous pumpkin!!
梅溪牌坊-- 陈芳故居,this Chen Fang was the first Chinese migrant and become a successful millionaire …he followed his uncle,learning how to do business and later on in his life,he migrate to Hawaii, 第一个海外华侨富翁!
澳门环岛游 Boat trip around Macau~ (didn’t step on Macau though~)
i think these are some casinos…am I right?
圆明新园 the New Yuan Ming Yuan (Yuan Ming Garden)
圆明园本来是个很大很大很美很美的皇宫庭院,但在战乱时期遭到很多破坏,很多雕刻都被外国人侵略是强行占有了! 圆明新园只是把当时的圆明园复制出来,让后人欣赏。。
Yuan Ming Garden, you find mostly traditional Chinese element, however,there’s one part of this Yuan Ming Garden which fuse Western Art into it~
this is just an interesting shop name…In Mandarin, “我们咖啡馆" ,in English “ cafe”~ so, it can be “women cafe” or “wo men cafe”~
I personally feel that one thing in Guangzhou which is worth a praise, *thumbs up* Their public transport system is EXTREMEMLY SYSTEMATIC!!! (compare to our place…) even we foreigners doesn’t get lost!!
their buses are consider very clean (as compare to ours) and there’s a system which will show you what is the next station,and a voice will inform you the next stop in Mandarin, Cantonese and English! every different busses with different number has their own unique route,and the bus fare is very affordable, only RMB 2 per trip! (for any of the destinations as long as it’s along the route!) and at all the bus stop.there’s a board showing which bus with what number will pass by this stop and show the routes of all the busses that will pass by the particular stop!!! So anyone who doesn't know which bus to take,just take a look at the board! and on every busses, their route are written clearly (** not hand written/ 鬼画符 like ours!) Oh ya, forgot to mention that, their bus route and metro covers almost all the tourist spots in Guangzhou,so it’s possible to travel around Guangzhou with Metro and Bus!!
and I love their Metro!! It’s so PUNCTUAL! so FAST! so CONVENIENT! their machine is so easy to use! same as their public bus system, in the metro, there’s also a system that will always inform you about the next station, in a few languages too! “next stop is “XXX stop” passengers who are heading to street Y, K shopping mall, street J, Street H, and etc etc etc, please get down at this station,thank you!” See,sooooooo convenient, in case you dunno which station to get down,just listen to the announcement! while buying tickets at the machine, there’s a lady standing beside the machine with a friendly smile and ready to help anyone who encounter any problems!!
overall, it was a great experience! I personally still LOVE their Public transport system!! and the Food there!! 唯一要嫌的就是中国人实在是……随地吐痰的坏习惯,简直就是走到哪里,痰就吐到哪里。。。哇,这是我唯一 tak boleh tahan 的!!还有,分享一下这" 笑话" ,话说,在广州的2 天,我跟2 个不一样的团走透透,那当然,跟团呢就会带你到一些“专卖店",这么巧,2天里面,2个不一样的团,刚好到2 家不一样的珠宝店。。这么“巧”,我在这2 家珠宝店的“待遇”都一样。。且看下面:
旅客抵达。。。进入一个房间,休息休息。。服务员A进来了,开始简介,然后刚刚要开始推销产品,另一位服务员B就进来,告诉旅客和服务员A说:“老总刚到,老总说他家有喜,将要亲自来给大家讲解!还有 (对服务员说)叫你不要给旅客们推销产品”
不久,“老总”进来了,开始他的长篇大论,bla bla bla…… “今天我家有喜,什么喜事呀,我家老婆啊,昨晚,给我添了个双胞胎!!” (掌声。。)“所以今天你们在这消费,我给大家折扣,bla bla bla… 服务员,给我那 xx 个平安扣,派给他们,一人一个!”(平安扣上面的价钱没有拆掉的哦!!)
还有,“老总” 的个人介绍“永远”都是,“我呀,是海外华侨,生在泰国,在泰国长大,现在回来中国做生意,我的老婆是马来西亚人,bla bla bla, 我的叔叔呀,是在泰国开珠宝店,有个玉矿啦,在东南亚各国有分店啦 bla bla bla…”
然后,“老总”就带旅客到另一个房间,开始介绍产品,介绍介绍,就说,“这一整个礼拜我们家有喜,不做你们生意,当为孩子祈福,这些珠宝的价是RMB XXXX,好,今天老总我做善事,你们就换我税务的钱吧,其他成本,运输费不算你钱, 就算你们RMB XXX 吧!”
这是,很多服务员就会冲出来阻止“老总”,说“老总,不行啊,这可是RMB XXXX 的啊,你只卖RMB XXX 怎么可以啊,” 话没说完,“老总”就,”你给我啰嗦什么呀,你是老总还是我是老总啊!”
2 天,2个不同的珠宝店,但一模一样的故事,一样是泰国华侨,一样是亲戚在海外搞珠宝生意,一样喜事都是双胞胎,一样是马来西亚太太(一个说是安顺人,一个说是槟城人),服务员一模一样的反应。。。哼,这么容易给你生到双胞胎么,哼,马来西亚太太就这么会生么,哼,明明操的一口道道地地的中国腔普通话,还硬硬说是海外华侨!哼,想骗人,也想点不一样的故事啦~ 拜托,不要老是“娶”马来西亚太太,换一换国籍啦~ 不要老是“双胞胎”,偶尔“生”个“三胞胎”嘛!
till then..tata~
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