14 Jan
It's still raining…………雨下个不停……
breakfast: 粿汁 kuey chap 相当不错, 有肉骨茶的香味, 也有卤味… 然后就赶往机场飞到sibu~~
……after 45 minutes……
WELCOME to Sibu~ Kuching 的地标是喵~猫嘛… 而Sibu 的地标就是天鹅! Sibu感觉想Batu Pahat/Kluang/Muar 的小镇没有太多高楼大厦
午餐:在一间忘了什么名单餐馆吃点心!! 最最最难忘的就是金沙包!!!!!!!!!!!!
当时吃到津津有味竟然忘了拍照只好从internet 找来类似的图片代替哈哈真的超赞的啦!!! 馅有用到咸蛋黄和奶油! 一个字: 赞啦!!!!!!!!!
过后就有劳Chai Lian 姐姐带我们游车河啦~ 经过:
According to Chai Lian, this is the tallest building in Borneo (Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei and Kalimantan) 据说borneo 这块地不能建高楼大厦, 因为地会陷…… it’s an office tower and the lower floor is a small shopping mall.
then, we had “ Kong- Pia “ 光饼 in this small stall~~
This is “Kong-Pia” served in 卤汁…
Then,It’s dinner time!! we had our dinner in a cafe called—Cafe cafe (yup, that’s the name!!) The cafe is nearby the Tua Pek Kong Temple, so took a few photos if the night view if Tua Pek Kong temple!!
Welcome to Cafe cafe!
Another nice cafe, nice ambience, nice environment, decorations, etc etc! one thing is’s super duper cold inside…*coz we sat under an air-con*, so thanks to this small little candle…you brought us warmth~~~
These are some of the food that we ordered:
ehem,forgot the name of this dish…i think this is some kind of nasi goreng pattaya, i only remember the sauce they gave was superb
Kapitan Chicken,erm… so so only lar~
This one must try!! Thai Salad Chicken—Superb!
超大的umbrella *by the way, the weather there still raining and raining and raining…
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