Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Exploring the East Malaysia 4

15 Jan

after one night rest, Chai Lian brought us to the town area and get our breakfast—“Dian-Mian-Hu” 鼎边糊

P1150251 就在这条街

P1150249 鼎边糊在此!

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it’s a bit like “mee hun kueh”面粉糕, but it’s much thinner and much smoother….*鼎边糊用米浆, 面粉糕用面粉*

Taaadaaaa~ 热烘烘的新鲜光饼出炉了~~~ 外脆内软,不错!!



P1150252 白天时大伯公庙是这样的香火鼎盛… 里面有一座塔,可以爬上去看sibu 城全景!

P1150254 P1150255


then, we walked to central market (it’s jz like any wet market in anywhere in Malaysia lor)

Lunch: “Kam pua Mee” 干盘面

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类似云吞面/干捞面, 但比云吞面好吃wor…hahaha~

It’s olive! 橄榄! 老实讲我第一次吃到橄榄的水果……还ok…


前往玉龙山天恩寺, 据说是 the largest temple complex in S.E.A, 里边包含了佛, 道, 儒 三大宗教信仰的建筑佛像等等…… **The sun was shining at us in the morning…and it rained……in the afternoon,when we visit this largest temple in S.E.A. T.T

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晚餐时间: 到当地的一个hawker food centre-- Muhibah 解决! 试试另一种光饼

Kong Pia 光饼里面塞肉--还不错哦! 肉稍微带辣味~

还有- 烘槽面线鸡汤, 槽蔡粗米粉, Kampua Mee 等等~ 过后去chai lian 家坐坐, 又试到另一种饼--tebaloi-- 好吃!!!

telaloi 很香的椰子味,脆脆的!! 好吃!!

done for 15 Jan~

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