okay…so,the placement has been out long time…I did not have the chance to decide for my own destiny,to choose the university I wanted..so, the one who changes my fate — my dear sponsorer, with all the power they had… told me that it is confirm that I am being “chosen” or “selected” to this university called--- KLE University,Belgaum,India…
I know here comes the question…erm erm erm..where on earth is this university?? and what is Belgaum and Karnataka? where is it??
so, Geography class now…
obviously, this is a map of India…
zoom in~~ this is “Karnataka” state located…
a map of Karnataka state…see the num 4…that’s the location of “Belgaum” district…
this is it! Belgaum..a place where I am going to stay for the next 5 years!!!
对于我未来的大学,我不敢comment太多,等我真正的踏入那间大学,体验了那里的大学生活,亲眼看见了大学的建筑,亲手将大学的四周用相机记录下来,感受了大学生涯,体会了文化冲击… 我再来comment多多吧~
踏入5月份,"Kursus Impossible”也即将踏入尾声,erm erm erm 不要问我会不会讲印度话,paise lah, kindergarten程度,对话大概对不上几句…哈哈哈~ 当"kursus impossible”即将结束,意味着…我即将和这群迷失在雪邦某个学院的朋友们说再见了... when the course end…means that…we are gonna separated…even in India… after 1.5 stressful A level course..after 3 months of enjoying course...we've been through all these stressful months and enjoyable moments together...why separate us *夸张* 为什么要把我们分离~~~~
This was our first trip to pasar malam
the 4th day of our orientation week was my birthday~
we squeezed in this small lounge to watch olympics opening!!
很多很多的outings 开始了…passion conference
我们也曾经一起用尽所有办法, 在KTT 尽量庆祝各种festival, 节日, 生日等等…
it’s mooncake festival celebration at “bukit ktt”
hui zhi’s birthday~
the 2nd birthday a massive steamboat dinner~
Sepang Goldcoast 的海水的确是很不干净… 但是我们和寿星还是玩的很开心!
to be exact..went to M’cca 2 times actually..hahaha~
remember the days we’ve gone through together, even when there is no water supply!!! 我们真的是名副其实的"一起度过许多酸甜苦辣"
remember the anxiety…AS result!
sending off friends to overseas…(soon it’s gonna be our turn..)
还有, 记得我们趁着 AirAsia 搞促销时, 敢敢订了飞去东马的机票… 我们一起飞到大马的另一端, 展开我们的冒险之旅!!! 从 Kuching
再到Kota Kinabalu!!!
我为我们的" 勇敢" 喝彩!!! ^^
穿上saree 再穿上这身很"特别" 的 "毕业袍"…我们正式离开陪伴我们2年的 KTT…
我们在一起最后的回忆—BTN camp…
谢谢朋友们在这一年半来给我的鼓励, 支持, 陪我度过欢乐, 伤心, 脆弱的时候…
谢谢你们, 让我从你们身上学到了很多…
或许我们以后飞到印度以后, 距离彼此都是10-12 小时的车程… 或许以后我们会被埋没在书堆里… 无论如何…
这段在森林中求学兼求生的日子…深深烙印在我脑海中某个记忆体/greycell 咯!
送君千里 终须一别 他日草桥相会 若是有缘 终会再见
珍重 · 再见
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